ATP Quiz: What Is This?

Posted on March 14, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Quiz, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 27448

Adil Najam

Time for another ATP Quiz. This one a little different from previous ones. The question this time is not ‘where is this?’ but ‘what is this?’

What some hints? Read on…

  • This ‘thing’ is not unique to Pakistan, but you can find many of this in Pakistan.
  • You will find these all over Pakistan, but not everywhere in Pakistan.
  • You are more likely to find more of these in some parts of Pakistan than in others.
  • It does what it does very well, but it is not really the best way to do what it does.
  • Being too close to this can be dangerous, but you will see many people trying to get as close to it as they possible can.

I think this one is a fairly easy one to guess. So, once you have figured out what this is, maybe you could comment on what you think of it.

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