Pakistan’s Energy Crisis and Energy Saver Bulbs

Posted on April 3, 2010
Total Views: 46291

Deeda-e-Beena Pakistan is facing a huge and growing energy crisis, a daily reminder of which are the multiple instances of load-shedding each day all over Pakistan. The crisis, of course, needs long-term energy generation solutions. But it also needs immediate energy conservation. And one important way of doing this is through Energy Saver Bulbs. Pakistan […]

Terrorism: Starting a Search for Solutions

Posted on February 9, 2010
Total Views: 39615

Deeda-e-Beena The menace is growing to awesome proportions while efforts for finding solutions are miniscule. How could we ever win this fight? The Nation is at war and needs to act at war footing as a whole. Post-factum izhar-e-muzzamat is all one hears from those who are responsible to deal with it! You and I […]

Doosra Iqbal: A Revisitation

Posted on December 16, 2009
Total Views: 82982

Deeda-e-Beena Iqbal bhi Iqbal say aagah naheen hai Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea culpa! After a lapse of some fifty years I am re-visiting Iqbal’s Urdu poetry. It is a revisitation I would highly recommend we all do. To begin with I was not English-medium but talaash–ai–maash turned me into one – I being part […]