What’s Going Right in Pakistan

Posted on June 10, 2011
Total Views: 2957440

Adil Najam There is much – way too much – that is going terribly wrong in Pakistan. But not all is lost. Not just yet. One must never deny that which is going wrong. Indeed, to accept and acknowledge it is itself the first step towards finding ways to reverse the wrong. But nor should […]

Anita Lerche: Heer from Denmark

Posted on June 8, 2011
Total Views: 304168

Tamashbeen Not the best rendition of Waris Shah’s Heer that I have ever heard. But one of the most captivating nonetheless!

Adil Najam Music is on my mind again. Literally. This song has been playing non-stop in my mind as well as in my headphones for two weeks now (ever since I did my last post on Arieb Azhar’s music). I thought it would be overkill to write, yet again, about him and his music, but […]