Translation: Parveen Shakir

Posted on October 29, 2006
Total Views: 140945

Guest Post by Naveed E. Perveen Shakir died young. Her legend lives on. She is arguably the most popular poetess of the literary history of Pakistan. She expressed the sensibilities of young lovelorn girl with the innocence of a girl next door and innovation of an adept poet. Her romantic poems and ghazals stirred the […]

Dialogue: Justice Delayed is Justice Decayed

Posted on October 25, 2006
Total Views: 33511

Guest Post by Naveed E. A Dialogue between ‘The Wise’ and ‘The Fledgling.’ “You know, only God can afford to mete out belated justice and get away with it.â€Â? sermonized the Wise. “What about the courts. If they provide justice though a bit late, doesn’t it work? Atleast it is better than not doing justice […]