Christmas Greetings from Pakistan

Posted on December 25, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Religion, Society
Total Views: 37884

Adil Najam

Christmas Greetings from all our Christian readers in Pakistan, and around the world. On this auspicious day, we at ATP join in them in praying for peace and goodwill to all.

Both Owais and I are in Pakistan these days – Owais in Karachi and I in Islamabad – and it was heartening to see Christmas being celebrated with zeal here in Islamabad (especially, a colony where a number of Christians live in F-6 was lit up elegantly and beautifully). Also heartening to me were the photographs above.

I know, I know. Most will say these are PR photos and therefore meaningless. PR photos, they certainly are. But they are not meaningless. The message that is being conveyed is important to convey – and repeatedly – even when those conveying it may be doing so only for political reasons. Because the message spreads. And this message – that Pakistan is a country of all Pakistanis, of all religions and creed – is one that must never be forgotten.

Of the pictures above the one with Prime Minister Gillani is from last week – at a multi-faith Christmas celebration – and the one with Santa Clause and Nawaz Sharif is from last year. Of course, many interesting captions could be concocted about the third photograph but one hopes that the message that we really take is the message that Mr. Jinnah – whose birthday we celebrate today – would have wanted us to take. Pakistan is for all Pakistanis, of all faiths, of all believes, of all creeds.

It is in the same spirit that we also share with you these wonderful pictures of various churches in Pakistan decorated for Christmas this year (churches in Islamabad, Lahore, Quetta, Islamabad, Nowshehra Virkan, Rawalpindi, and Karachi respectively).

We hope you have seen before our post on the historic and modern churches in Pakistan. If you have not, today would be a good day to do so.

Once again, Christmas greetings from all our Christian readers in Pakistan, and around the world. And praying of peace and goodwill to all.

21 responses to “Christmas Greetings from Pakistan”

  1. Habibies says:

    Nawaz Shareef is Muslim or Christian …? :O

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