Christmas in Pakistan: Greetings and Reflections

Posted on December 25, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Architecture, Minorities, Religion, Society
Total Views: 56606

Adil Najam

Christmas greetings to all our Christian readers in Pakistan and elsewhere. On this auspicious day, we at ATP pray for peace and goodwill to all. Last year our Christmas post had carried the picture on the right below. This year we thought that the one of a Pakistani Santa riding a camel would make a good compliment (thanks to Islamabad Metroblog).

Santa - Pakistan styleSanta - Pakistan style

Last year we had also done a pictorial on Churches in Pakistan and I hope that our readers might revisit that post. It remains one of my all-time favorite posts on ATP and a particularly apt one to visit today.

(For more details, click here)

More than just the architectural heritage that these living churches represent, they should be a reminder to all of us Pakistani Muslims that to speak about Pakistan (as we so often do) as if all Pakistanis are Muslims is not just factually incorrect it is insulting and alienating to those Pakistanis who are not.Pakistan belongs to all Pakistanis. Equally. Today, December 25, seems like a good day to remind ourselves of this. Not only because it is Christmas for our Pakistani Christian compatriots but also because it makers the birth anniversary of Pakistan’s founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah (more on him later today). For Jinnah, as is clear from his famous August 11 speech, Pakistan is a Pakistan for all Pakistanis. Equally.

26 responses to “Christmas in Pakistan: Greetings and Reflections”

  1. aamir barker says:

    hi everyone ,
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year , may this year bring peace and prosperity in all our life.

    kind regards,

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