
Posted on October 27, 2008
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 134605

Owais Mughal

The scene below is from June 01, 2008 where people are seen pushing a broken down bus near S.M. College, Karachi. The photo is a very good representative of our society in literal as well as philosophical way.

Let me tell you why I think so..

(1) Literal in a sense that such scenes are very common in Pakistan where passengers of a bus are also asked to push it when the engine dies down.

(2) Philosophical in a sense that note the dua (prayers) written on the bus as ‘allah nigehban’ (May God Protect You) and ‘allah mehrban’ (May God be Benevolent to you). But unlike our symbolic and ritualistic society these brave men are not waiting for some divine help to appear. They are taking matters in their own hands and should I say..‘himmat-e-mardaaN, madad-e-khuda’ (God helps those who show courage).

I’ve read somewhere that while the war of independence in 1857 was getting crushed by the British, the ladies in old city Delhi were heard saying:

‘khuda karay faraNgioN ki topouN mein keeRay paReN” (May God put pests in the guns of colonial powers). Of course such prayers were not going to be heard. In the end Delhi lost its power seat for the next 90 years.

Allama Iqbal has also said:

Khuda ne aaj tak us qaum ki haalat naheeN badli
na ho jis ko khyal aap apni haalat ke badalnay ka

Photo Credits: Jehangir Khan at Associated Press of Pakistan

18 responses to “himmat-e-mardaaN…

  1. Le Mystique says:

    Owais, you seem to have this brilliant quality of finding something positive in anything and everything.
    Great post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Umar Shah says:

    I think Shehzad Roy’s song ‘Laga Reh’ represents this photo very well :)


  3. Faraz says:

    What I see is six people trying to make something happen, and another 17 (16 commenters plus 1 photographer) doing nothing but making useless comments. Get to work!

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