Have We Gone Mad? (Reader discretion advised)

Posted on June 9, 2011
Total Views: 2895723

Adil Najam This graphic video of the brutal murder of 19 year of Sarfraz Shah being confronted and shot dead by Rangers – supposedly because he was a robber refusing to surrender – is only the latest in a string of state and societal resort to violence that makes one wonder if we have gone […]

Death of a Journalist. Warning to a Nation.

Posted on June 1, 2011
Total Views: 115978

Adil Najam Pakistanis have gotten used to feeling unsafe and afraid. Today they are feeling even more unsafe and afraid. And that is no accident. Afraid and unsafe is exactly how the butchers who tortured and then murdered Syed Saleem Shahzad want us to feel. Those who brutally murdered journalist, and author of the recent […]

Pakistan After Osama

Posted on May 26, 2011
Total Views: 74177

Tamashbeen The Al Qaida and Taliban are stupid. Here is why. Fact: Osama Bin Laden was killed by the Americans. Pakistan had nothing to do with that particular operation. This evident from the great soul-searching in Pakistan and chest-thumping in USA on this. Yet, who is Al Qaida, Taliban and Co. “punishing” for Osama’s death? […]