Books: K.K. Aziz’s The Coffee House of Lahore

Posted on November 6, 2010
Total Views: 65786

Raza Rumi (Editor’s Note: ATP  intends to present a series of posts with excerpts from this extraordinary book from K.K. Aziz. As a prelude to the series, we thought we should provide some context with a review of the book, The Coffee House of Lahore). Before his death in July 2009, K.K. Aziz had accomplished […]

Karachi Literature Festival: Hope Lives

Posted on April 24, 2010
Total Views: 81070

Raza Rumi Who says Pakistani literature was a relic of the past? If anything, Pakistani authors have a global audience today, and our writers are now the greatest harbingers of Pakistan’s complexity and nuance in a way that the embedded media can scarcely fathom. The first literary festival took off in our cosmopolitan melting pot, […]

Book Review: tilism means Magic

Posted on January 5, 2010
Total Views: 53828

Raza Rumi Musharraf Ali Farooqi and the Urdu Project have revived a tradition that was fading in the age of instant communication, sms lingo and a dying reading culture. When I started reading the book, I could not help remember the day when my Uncle, Zaheer Ahmad Bhutta, a man of letters and book-lover handed […]