Law Minister Wasi Zafar Misbehaving on VOA

Posted on March 13, 2007
Filed Under >Darwaish, Law & Justice, People, Politics
Total Views: 90077


I was watching the dramatic developments regarding Chief Justice of Pakistan’s case on GEO news today and wondering how much more we have to see after seeing police misbehaving with Chief Justice and his family.

Little did I know what was in store for me. During Kamran Khan’s show, Ansaar Abassi – investigative editor of The News, Islamabad – brought viewers attention to a shocking incident which happened during a live Voice of America ( VOA ) radio show interview (Round Table) yesterday (Listen by clicking audio symbol below)


Not surprisingly, it involves our Law Minister, Mr. Wasi Zafar. We have often read various reports about public displays of misbehaviors by Federal Minister for Law Wasi Zafar. But this is quite unbelievable.

Listen to the abusive language after the 34th minutes in particular. But also listen to the tone of the discussion of the entire interview in general. This, then, is our Federal Law Minister in action. Its worth hearing.

The Federal Minister said all this in response to a story by the investigative editor The News in which he wrote about the Law Minister’s “long arm of law.” Apparently he doesn’t know the difference between long arm and giving “a big hand.”

Listen to the clip and judge for yourself. I am just speechless!

ADDED 14 March: Here is the video clip of the report on this incident on GEO.

Wasi Zafar using bad languag in VOA live Program

(Report on this in The News).

173 responses to “Law Minister Wasi Zafar Misbehaving on VOA”

  1. Agha Murtaza says:

    I have just heard this after 2 years it has been posted on this site.

    I now believe that now the present day has proved that what ever Musharraf did at that time was absolutely right.

    We made this into a very confusing story then in 2007 and 2008, it was a simple reference from the President’s office and it should have been followed.

    The Supreme court should have taken its course then and the Chief Justice Iftiqar should have let the proceedings take its time.

    Its very sad that Mr. Iftiqar has made our Country Pakistan go back 20 years. He was actually the person which pressurized Musharraf to take up decision of NRO etc.

    Long Live Pakistan and i hope that Mr. Iftiqar should face his charges.


  2. Asif Zardari says:

    our present leaders are even more bad. watch youtube what Gilani and Zardari doing.

  3. Qausain says:

    Pehlay to main hans loo …. haahahahaha …
    bohat he mazhaya admi thay hamaray former law minister.
    Dosra is baat par hayrat hoti hay kay Musharaf saab nay kasay kasay musheer rakhay hoy thy … no doubt yahi log Musharaf saab ko bhi lay dobay or poray mulk ka bhi nuqsan hoa.

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