Taking Life’s Challenges One Ride at a Time

Posted on January 30, 2009
Filed Under >Atif Gulzar, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 111022

Atif Gulzar

I took this picture near Kalma Chowk, Lahore. The person on a tiny cart was taking aid from Rikshaw for riding. I was stunned by his courage. The cart was very small and vulnerable compared to his own size. And the most sarcastic thing is the writing behind the Rickshaw ‘tenooN rab diyaan rakhaaN’ (May God’s protection be with you). I must admit when I took this picture through my mobile phone camera I was also riding a bike at around 40 kmph.

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(3) Living Dangerously in Rawalpindi

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9 responses to “Taking Life’s Challenges One Ride at a Time”

  1. Asghar says:

    Tainoun rabb diyan rakhaan

    How appropriate!

  2. Usama Zia says:

    Very risky transport….

  3. Ghaus says:

    Actually, I find the picture more sad than fascinating. That he has to do this is not for thrills, but because of lack of options.

  4. cynic says:

    correction. the vehicle in 2nd pic is not a suzuki pickup but a qingqi rickshaw.

    “For people living abroad like me, this really sums up pakistan, and that

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