Why Not Manufacture Wind Turbines in Pakistan?

Posted on March 4, 2009
Total Views: 85029

Air Commodore (Retd) Azfar A. Khan The new government in Pakistan is in place since February 18, 2008 general elections. It is confronted with formidable challenges out of which power shortage is the most demanding. Due to energy shortage, the public has been warned that it should tighten its belts and get mentally prepared for […]

Utilizing Solar Energy in Pakistan

Posted on February 17, 2009
Total Views: 210941

Air Cdre (R) Azfar A Khan In these days of escalating oil prices, it’s becoming extremely difficult for a common citizen to pay off monthly electricity bills. The bills keep soaring day by day and there seems to be no respite in foreseeable future. These bills can be reduced by resorting to other methods of […]