Mystery Solved: Why Students Cheat?

Posted on May 30, 2011
Total Views: 93268

Tamashbeen Have you ever wondered why students, specially Pakistani students, cheat. A news reporter from The Express Tribune has finally cracked the mystery. ‘We cheat only to pass our exams’ screams the headline. In case you did not already know, students cheat only because they need to pass their exams, otherwise they would never do […]

Imran H. Khan The recent US mission to get Osama Bin Laden without the knowledge of Pakistan Air Force was a success because of PAF’s lack of investment in sensors that can detect low flying aircraft in undulating and hilly terrain. People are thinking hard about the political and military lessons in this, but they […]

Karachi’s St. Patrick’s School Turns 150

Posted on May 6, 2011
Total Views: 83838

Adil Najam Thanks to an excellent and informative article and pictorial spread by Haris Zuberi in The Express Tribune, I now know that today (May 6, 2011) one of the schools I studied in – the St. Patrick’s High School, Karachi – turns 150 years old. Congratulations on your sesquicentennial, St. Pats. And many happy […]