Adil Najam and Owais Mughal (Also see our second Year in Review Poll on “Predictions for 2009.” Image from Flickr by Mirjee.) We had ended the year 2007 at ATP by calling it the “Year of Angst and Anger.” We had begun the year 2008 with a wishlist of seven prayers: Prayers for Human Dignity, […]

Adil Najam One of the most important decision in Pakistan’s political history was made yesterday when Gen. Pervez Musharraf was made to resign from the Presidency. Equally, and possibly more, important decisions are being made right now by the political leadership of the ruling coalition. It is these decisions being made now that will ultimately […]

ATP Poll: Pakistan After Musharraf

Posted on August 18, 2008
Total Views: 42390

Adil Najam UPDATE: Gen. Musharraf has just announced his resignantion during a nationally televised address. Read more here. ORIGINAL POST: Gen. Pervez Musharraf is slated to the address the nation in a televised address at 1PM PST today (Monday, August 18, 2008). Leading newspapers, such as The News and Dawn, are reporting that he is […]