ATP Poll: What Events from 2008 will define Pakistan in 2009?

Posted on December 28, 2008
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Economy & Development, Foreign Relations, Law & Justice, Politics, Religion, Society
Total Views: 108040

Adil Najam and Owais Mughal

(Also see our second Year in Review Poll on “Predictions for 2009.” Image from Flickr by Mirjee.)

We had ended the year 2007 at ATP by calling it the “Year of Angst and Anger.” We had begun the year 2008 with a wishlist of seven prayers: Prayers for Human Dignity, for Living Livelihoods and Wellbeing, for Peace, for Tolerance, for Justice, for Democracy and for Jurat-i-Tehkik.

The year 2008 has been as angry and as angst-ridden as its predecesssor. Our prayers for 2009 remain the same, even more so. There is little one can add there.

Since past is prologue to the present, we wish to look beyond both past and present, into the future. Just as the demons of 2007 continued to haunt us in 2008, the events of 2008 will define Pakistan’s 2009 – for good or for bad. But which of the many – too many – momentous events of 2008 will have the greatest impact on defining what happens in Pakistan in 2009? That is the question for this ATP Poll, the first of two New Year’s Polls (the second one will follow soon).

We have selected ten key events of 2008 for you to choose from. But since some are related and the list is long, you can vote for multiple choices (we would recommend and suggest that you vote for around three only). The choices include:

Through your vote in this ATP Poll and through your comments, do plesae help us understand the implications of what has happened this year, and chart the contours of that which might happen next year.

(Also see our second Year in Review Poll on “Predictions for 2009“. Image from Flickr by Mirjee.)

16 responses to “ATP Poll: What Events from 2008 will define Pakistan in 2009?”

  1. Yasir says:

    It is also things like this news item which will define our 2009.

    Minister reveals media-bashing plans of government, says Dr Shahid

    The News, Wednesday, December 31, 2008

    By Muhammad Ahmad Noorani

    ISLAMABAD: Senior anchor person and former MD PTV Dr Shahid Masood has said that he has been told by a federal minister that Ansar Abbasi, Editor Investigations, The News, was on the government hit list and once he is

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