Chaukundi Tombs

Posted on June 6, 2011
Total Views: 302680

Owais Mughal This post is about the historic Chaukundi tombs located just outside Karachi. Before writing further I must admit that the last time I personally visited Chaukundi was in 1985 but I still vividly remember being fascinated by the stone carvings on these tombs. Following information comes from the tourist books and the Internet […]

150th Anniversary of Railways in Pakistan

Posted on May 13, 2011
Total Views: 115790

Owais Mughal Today, May 13, 2011, is the 150th anniversary of railways in Pakistan as the first track that became functional in areas which now comprise Pakistan was inaugurated on May 13, 1861 (this seems to be the season for 150th anniversaries!). The photo above shows railway tunneling in Bolan Pass. The photo is credited […]

Going Back to Karachi: Useful Tips

Posted on March 25, 2011
Total Views: 120180

iFaqeer I finally make it ‘back home’ this winter after a much-delayed hiatus. I hadn’t been able to travel for almost six years now. So getting back to Karachi was particulalry pleasant and memorable. One thing that I found particularly helpful was this set of 10 Tips for Visiting Karachi preared by The News. It […]