Picture of the Day: Neighborly greetings

Posted on August 7, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Foreign Relations, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 17340

Adil Najam

This picture was taken in Karachi earlier today (7 August, 2006) by atrophying and posted on Flickr.com.

Even if its was done inadvertently, I find it a very timely and appropriate billboard. Especially at this precarious time in India-Pakistan relations – note the silliness of recalled diplomats – when extremists on both sides seem to be succeeding in scuttling what had been a reasonably good process of rebuilding confidence.

Anyhow, my dear subcontinentals, please hold your sun-baked passions and enjoy the picture. Whether it was intended as such or not, I will take this as a neighborly greeting from one neighbor to another.

On behalf of all us Pakistanis, I thank you dear Amitabh. And I wish you, and all Indians everywhere, a wonderful Independence Day of your own on August 15.

32 responses to “Picture of the Day: Neighborly greetings”

  1. poonchia says:

    I only heard about the AB billboard in India in news where it was mentioned that Pakistani autorities had ordereed its removel ( its my first visit to your blog ). So I found your part-celebration part-comment on that issue quite funny.

    > Mustafa Zulqarni Says:
    > Would you ever see a Pakistani TV star on a billboard in Mumbai?Never.

    Let me assure you if the actors were reversed no Indian government/authority would have the audacity to remove a billboard featuring a pakistani celeb/actor cause the Indian courts would sent them ( the authorities) packing. And I have seen atleast Pakistani cricketers on bill boards.

  2. jyoti says:

    Haider ji,
    Lets hope that “the rest of the world, the rest of India and the rest of Pakistan” will change things in future.

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