Adil Najam
Following up on our earlier post on Dengue Fever in Pakistan, maybe I was wrong about the extent of public health awareness after all.

There is very little that I can add to the facts included in the caption of this photograph in the Dawn today (7 November, 2006):
“The sewage and all kinds of garbage accumulated behind the special isolation ward for dengue fever patients in the Jinnah Hospital mocks at the government claim of having taken measures to contain mosquito borne disease.”
I am diseased
But the picture in the post is that of a government hospital, not a private home. So, who should be responsible for cleaning up this filth and mess?
IF my above comment is well understood, then the first responsibility is THAT OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF US!!!!!!
I donot want any government official running through my house or my bedroom throwing out the clear water. In any event IF we donot OURSELVES take care of preventive measures for our own wellbeing, NO GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD IS RESOURCEFUL or ABLE to DEAL with such calamities. Let us do some self-bashing for a change.
Undoubtedly,appalling environmental and sanitation conditions produce mosquitos and other vermin. However, in the case of Dengue mosquito the Pundits of DAWN and many of your commentors above, should know and tell others the Facts about Dengue inorder to educate the millieu about what to watch and how to avoid catching Dengue. IF we the educated are ignorant then God help the illiterate and and the uneducated. DENGUE is transmitted through the bite of a special mosquito called “Aedis” which,(unlike other vectors)breeds on clean/clear/still water – such as a puddle after rains,a pot or pan in the open yards or the water dish we so caringly keep under our wonderful indoor decorative plants. The best prevention is to get rid of such water so that this kind of mosquito does not breed at all because, once bred it is infectious for as many it bites and as long as it is alive.(Malaria vector dies after biting).
I strongly believe that the govt and administration do not read the current affairs and editorials in the newspapers, neither they watch the news on electronic media. Otherwise, how on earth a government can keep silent (unless it is mentally retarded) on such a high crime rate, total lack of hygiene and civic facilities in biggest city of Pakistan?