Picture of the Day: What Are They Thinking!

Posted on April 10, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, History, People, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 60687

Adil Najam

This picture is carried today by both Dawn and Daily Times. Dawn’s title is “Still Heroes” and the caption reads: “Bronze statues of Quaid-i-Azam, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal put on display at the Science and Technology Expo-2007 being held at National Memorial Museum in Shakarparian in Islamabad.”

A visit to the Museum is on the top of my ‘To Do’ list when I return to Islamabad end of the month. I hope they are still there.

My first thought on looking at the picture was to note how both Jinnah and Iqbal are wearing suits here (this penchant of ours – me included – to dress up these guys in the garbs of our desires has been has been quite a remarkable historical see-saw!). My second thought was to wonder what the folks at Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa might have to say – or do – about this. I hope there is significant security against vandalism here.

But even more than that, I wonder what these three men are sitting there thinking about what is happening today in the country they helped conceive. Late at night when the museum is closed and the statues come alive and walk about, what is it that they sit together and talk about?

128 responses to “Picture of the Day: What Are They Thinking!”

  1. USMAN says:

    I am not even going to dignify Adnan’s rant with an answer…. anyone who writes something like “you react like a girl” is a chauvinistic and has no respect for anyone.

    I ask for evidence and you give me a “metaphorical” question about silly fantasies and conspiracy theories about the Washington Monument. What sophmoric drivel?  Next you will be asking me about the Loch Ness Monster?
    If you don’t even know what PROOF is then what is the point of wasting our time.

    You made an absolutely ridiculous and unsubstantiated claim about Freemasons etc. and I asked you for PROOF… not more conspiracy theory. If you have any, Iwoudl love to see documents, letters, photogrpahs. If you have is opinions and fantasies of others then don’t waste my time. I, at least have better things to do.

  2. Jabir Khan says:

    Jabir. No, I don’t and don’t care for why the Washington Monument is the way it is. Please stick to the topic.

    If you dont care to answer my question, then I dont care to give you any explanations. Everything is related, so it will be futile on your part to cherry pick the parts of the conversation

  3. Adnan Siddiqi says:

    Jabir. No, I don’t and don’t care for why the Washington Monument is the way it is. Please stick to the topic. We are talking about Pakistan

    Ajeeb dhakkan Insaan ho. Was that not you who asked:

    Freemasons, yeah sure… where is the proof (and, please, PROOF… not some propaganda drivel claiming it is so because ..

    and when he gives proof then you react like a girl that “I don’t care”.

    Jabir, apply Imam Shafa’ai’s golden quote and ignore him. =)

  4. mediatatters says:


    what would Mulla Nasr-uddin say ? besides chuppppp!

    perhaps (khuda) Hafiz Hussain Ahmed can en-lighten our moods !!

  5. USMAN says:

    “he asked what is the proof freemasonary exists”

    NO…. read, please.
    I DID NOT ask for proof of whetehr freemasonry existed, sure it dod and does.

    I asked for PROOF of whether this has anything to do with Qadianiat.

    And your PROOF is to ask whether i know why the Washington Monument is shaped the way it is!

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