Mr. Jinnah in Caricature is More Real

Posted on December 25, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Education, History, People
Total Views: 91290

Adil Najam

Today, December 25, marks the birth anniversary of Pakistan’s founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Mr. Jinnah has been a subject of frequent, and sometimes heated, discussion on ATP (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Maybe it is best to spare him the agony of argumentation on his birthday.

Instead, we wish to share this rather interesting and apt tribute to him (supposedly, the first in a series) by Dawn newspaper. (Click on image for larger image).

Jinnah's life . Dawn newspaper

Dawn newspaper is currently celebrating its own and Pakistan’s 60th anniversary and as part of this celebration will carry a series of illustrated episodes from Mr. Jinnah’s life. This one, the first in this series, is illustrated by Syed Salman Nasir.

I, for one, liked this very much. As readers know I have always liked Jinnah the human even more than Quaid-i-Azam the icon. I also think that this type of story-telling might appeal to the young far more than staid narrations.

Given how our official portraits of Mr. Jinnah tend to be over-stylized and how the national discourse on his is more iconic than human, it is interesting (to say the least) that his human side (see here and here) emerges much more clearly in this caricature than it does in most of our national discussions about him.

23 responses to “Mr. Jinnah in Caricature is More Real”

  1. Taimur says:

    Yaar, Jinnah Saab. Kiya kiya na kiya logoun nay aap kay naam kay sath!

  2. a good effort from DAWN new to depict Jinnah’s life

  3. qazi says:

    jeetay rahoo miyan sahib

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