Remembering “Plain Mr. Jinnah”

Posted on December 25, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, History, People, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 52634

Adil Najam

There picture are not of very high quality, but I am very fond of them because they depict a very different side of Mohammad Ali Jinnah from the one that our official discourse allows us to see. Today, on Mr. Jinnah’s 133rd birthday, I suspect that the Quaid-i-Azam – who always preferred to be “Plain Mr. Jinnah” would have fondly welcomed these photographs rather than the rather stern ones that have been flashing on our television screens all day.

These pictures depict a side of “Plain Mr. Jinnah” that we have often ignored, and sometimes purposely tried to hide.

It is a more human side. A less camouflaged side. A side that depicts a ‘normal’ person–flaws and all–rather than a ‘perfect leader.’

It is a side that, in fact, makes Mr. Jinnah more complete than our official depictions would have him be. Without this side, he cannot be complete or be completely understood.

The picture on the top-left was taken in Bombay with his daughter Dina and his dogs; top-right is taken on a vacation in Kashmir (I believe), with Dina and Begum Liaquat Ali Khan; the third and fourth pictures may well be from the same vacation in Kashmir.

40 responses to “Remembering “Plain Mr. Jinnah””

  1. QUAID E AZAM MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH was a enigma , a GOD SENT leader for muslims who are facing two big enemies the majority of hindus and BRITISH connivance.
    He was a lawyer and pleaded the case of PAKISTAN exactly as an lawyer prepares for any case in court . He was much superior than GANDHI , NEHRU and PATEL as he understood thier game even having very secular leanings and played PAKISTAN as CARD , It was OVERWHELMING MAJORITY LEADERS who accepted the partition then only PAKISTAN came into being , He was otherwise fighting for CONSTITUTIONAL rights for minorities thats MUSLIM from whom the RULE was snatched by BRITISHERS .
    Students of HISTORY will tell you IN june QUAID ACCEPTED THE JUNE PLAN giving rights to MUSLIM MAJORITY PROVINCES GIVING UP PAKISTAN it was nEHRU WHO rejected the plan if he has accepted there would not be PAKISTAN .He was GREAT LEADER and knew the narrow mentality of SMALL BRAIN indian leadership .HENCE HE ACCEPTED PARTITION . WATCH MOVIE “GANDHI in one FRAME GANDHI offered JINNAH THE PRIMEMINISTERSHIP OF JOINT INDIA he OFFERD HIS hand TO NEHRU ACCEPTING IT , but NEHRU PROTESTED . QUAID THEN FULLY EXPOSED THE anti MUSLIM feelings OF NEHRU and said ok THEN PAKISTAN !!

  2. Farrukh Bokhari says:

    I have been looking for time if there are any reported cases in which Qauid_eAzam appear as lawyer, either in Bombay or in London available on internet. So far I have not been able to find any. I would appreciate if someone can help me.

  3. Rashid Ali says:

    Very timely pictures of Quied-e-Azam which show him in a more light hearted and liberal surroundings. These pictures of Quied, combined with recent pictures coming out of Pakistan of national leaders joining in Christams gatherings, presents an image of tolerance of Pakistanis which is a rare sight these days.


    To understand OUR GREAT LEADER JINNAH SAHIB [QUID E AZAM]one should have braoad mindedness .unprejudiced,and intelectual,true lover of ISLAM and OUR BELOVED PAKISTAN.PAKISTAN PAINDABAD QUID E AZAM ZINDABAD.MAP

  5. walking_by says:

    And don’t forget his prescience. As early as 1948 he predicted that Urdu and only Urdu would be the sole official language for all of Pakistan. More than half a century later his words have come true. Urdu is indeed the official language of Pakistan.

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