Picture of the Day: What Are They Thinking!

Posted on April 10, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, History, People, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 61028

Adil Najam

This picture is carried today by both Dawn and Daily Times. Dawn’s title is “Still Heroes” and the caption reads: “Bronze statues of Quaid-i-Azam, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal put on display at the Science and Technology Expo-2007 being held at National Memorial Museum in Shakarparian in Islamabad.”

A visit to the Museum is on the top of my ‘To Do’ list when I return to Islamabad end of the month. I hope they are still there.

My first thought on looking at the picture was to note how both Jinnah and Iqbal are wearing suits here (this penchant of ours – me included – to dress up these guys in the garbs of our desires has been has been quite a remarkable historical see-saw!). My second thought was to wonder what the folks at Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa might have to say – or do – about this. I hope there is significant security against vandalism here.

But even more than that, I wonder what these three men are sitting there thinking about what is happening today in the country they helped conceive. Late at night when the museum is closed and the statues come alive and walk about, what is it that they sit together and talk about?

128 responses to “Picture of the Day: What Are They Thinking!”

  1. Maryam Khalid says:

    We r so much absorbed in the fake colors of world that we have forgotten the fact”ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN’T GOLD”.We have 2 wake up & protect our country instead of wastinfg time in music n movies n outings etc.before it gets too late!!!

  2. mian says:

    They are our national heroes and thier statues must be put on mjor roads in lahore karachi and islamabad.

  3. Aslam says:

    “Despite the prosecution’s best attempts to prove that the assailant was a Khaksar, Justice Blagden of the Bombay High Court stated in his decision that there was no evidence to prove that Jinnah’s attacker was a Khaksar. Thus, there is no justification left to state that the assailant was a Khaksar. ”

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