The Amphibian Motorcycle from Quetta

Posted on August 27, 2007
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 31022

Owais Mughal

Among other modes of Pakistani transport, Motorcycles have also got their fair share of discussion at ATP here and here. Following photo continues the trend. My question to the readers is how come the motorcycle didn’t shut down in this deep water.

I have also driven motorcyle for many years on Pakistani roads. My motorcycle used to shutdown as soon as flood waters reached the spark plug or the silencer therefore I am very impressed to see this motorcyle cruising comfortably through flood waters.

Photo Credits: This photo is courtesy of Mr. Muhammad Ali Musa who is a Quetta based Professional Photographer.

10 responses to “The Amphibian Motorcycle from Quetta”

  1. Tayyab says:

    The faces look Photoshopped… now why would anyone do that?

  2. wah! zabardast tasvir! keep ’em coming. Pakistan zindabad

  3. changezi says:

    this is so crazy, I saw that picture and thought I recognized the metal fence in the background. and the guy sitting on the back of the motorcycle. turns out this picture is not only from my hometown, but I’m also pretty sure it’s right in front of my house, and I know the person who took the photo as well.

    small world.

  4. Allah Wasaya says:

    *yaaaawn* slow news day eh :)

  5. hira khan says:

    thats so cooooll…

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