Telephone Complaint: Lahori Style

Posted on November 26, 2008
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Economy & Development, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 95788

Owais Mughal

Here is how you complain about your telephone not working, Lahori style!

The banner in the picture reads:

We have been trying to get out PTCL number 042-6371795 fixed for the last six weeks, but without any success!

It is not clear whether putting up a banner to register your telephone complaint worked or not. But one can only imagine how desperate this person had to be that he resorted such extreme measures of spending money on the printing of this banner and then hoisting it on a busy city road. Or, maybe, he is just trying to make light of what has to be a really frustrating situation. As they say, “Lahore, Lahore hai!”

Photo Credits: Rana Imran for Associated Press of Pakistan; photo taken in Lahore on October 29, 2008.

24 responses to “Telephone Complaint: Lahori Style”

  1. jAlpari says:

    hehehe i am facing rude and cool attitude of exchange staff as well as 1218 staff but they are really suck.

    I think i will call SLE on 2th may and if problem will not solve i will close DSL / fone service.

    My prob was just abt dsl line but now they give me fone line which has all things poor and can not go back to dialup even.

    They have all excuses.

  2. javeria says:

    its really nice way i think to complain but i wont try it because its lahori style noe karachi people style……………..well its really funny but still what ever happens still dil hai pakistani…forever.

  3. Nazia says:

    It is very lovely.

  4. Usman says:

    hahaha….that’s pretty funny……but really lahori style…..!

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