HDF: Stand With Those Who Build Schools

Posted on January 28, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Education, Society
Total Views: 102366

Adil Najam

A friend who is very active in the Human Development Foundation (HDF) asked me to carry the fund-raising appeal that we have carried in our side-columns for nearly a month. Although these funds are not being raised directly by ATP, I do believe that this is a good cause and would urge those who can to please contribute, in whatever amount you can.

This was not my intent when we first used this widget, and it certainly was not HDF’s, but events in this last month have highlighted just how important schools and education is. Let us all stand with those who build schools, and against those who destroy them.

There are those who are shaken by the constant focus we have kept over the last few days on what the Taliban elements are doing in Swat to schools, and in killing Pakistanis and Muslims. As proud Pakistanis, we must stand vigilant and speak out against that which brings disrepute to and threatens our country, just as we take joy in that which brings us pride.

The bad news is that this is really bad news and very seriously bad news and it is now consistent and constant. We highlight it because the majority of Pakistan is not like this and because we all must make sure that the majority of Pakistan never becomes like this. The good news is that there are far more people and institutions in Pakistan building education and schools (just a few examples covered in ATP here, here, here, here) than there are destroying schools. Let us all please make sure that it always remains so. In fact, we must make sure that no schools are destroyed ever, anywhere.

To learn more about HDF, please see this wonderful PBS documentary. Note, especially, the introductory lines. Makes you think about what a few good (or bad) deeds can do to how the world views you:

So, to repeat myself, I believe this is a good cause and would urge those who can to please contribute. Obviously there is no dearth of good causes, and I would urge you to contribute and help any and all of them. If not the HDF, help out any other group that you know better and is doing good work, especially in education. But, please, do whatever you can for the education of Pakistan’s young. For the sake of all our futures.

P.S. I actaully know that many of our readers are major contributors to the HDF and to many many other good causes, but also that giving over the internet is a new a mysterious enterprise to some. However, having studied philanthropy, especially by Pakistanis, I also know that the habit of giving, even in small amounts, makes a huge positive difference to causes as well as to those giving themselves.

32 responses to “HDF: Stand With Those Who Build Schools”

  1. SJH says:

    To Aik Pakistani,
    One can certainly go to HDF’s website at http://www.hdf.com and donate online via credit card. Thanks for asking for that clarification.

  2. Aik Pakistani says:

    Thanks bonobashi! Interestingly, I was actually inclined to just use the word ‘Bapu’ but thanks for the correction :).

    Actually I myself just recently became aware of HDF and all the good work they’re doing in Pakistan. Looking at their website it looks like one can also donate using a credit card.

    Maybe someone from HDF can shed some more light on this, please?

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