Pakistanis Support Displaced Pakistanis

Posted on May 14, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, >Owais Mughal, About ATP, Disasters, Society
Total Views: 37963

Adil Najam and Owais Mughal

As Mosharraf Zaidi wrote in his post yesterday: “In the long run, only Pakistan can help Pakistan.

As long-time readers of this site know, central to our notion of Pakistaniat is the idea that taking national responsibility is as important as having national pride. With the number of displaced Pakistanis fleeing from the violence and mayhem in Swat and other areas on the rise and given the dire need to act in this hour of need, we at All Things Pakistan are committed to donate part of our advertising revenue to support the relief efforts. We hope that some of you will join us and also chip in with whatever contributions you can.

We realize that many of our readers are already doing so through other means. We salute you.

We also realize that many others who are able to make larger contributions, will do so through more formal channels of giving. We urge you to do so in urgency.

But we also realize that some may not yet have found a right venue to give or may be thinking that what they can contribute is so small will not make a difference. If you are one of them, do please consider giving – no matter how small an amount – through the widget on this page (you can pay through a credit card or a PayPal account). We will consolidate these contributions and add to these our own and find a cause that can directly and immediately help those in such great need. Please also suggest to us what are the best ways to get whatever we collect and contribute through our advertising to the IDPs. We will consider your suggestions on who to give this money to, how, and for what, as we make that final decision.

It does not matter how large your contribution is; its the thought that counts. It does not even matter whether you give through our drive or to any other worthy cause. It matters only that we do not remain silent and we do act. In whatever way we can. To whatever extent we can. Through whatever means we can.

Mosharraf Zaidi reminded us yesterday how Pakistanis everywhere came together to respond to the needs of those distressed by the horrific earthquake a few years ago. He also reminded us that, “The response to the earthquake must not be a one-off demonstration of humanity. It must prove to be the rule in Pakistan.”

Let us please take his call to heart; and to open up our own hearts. For us, as important as the money collected is how many people contribute, no matter what the amount. Because the number of people who speak up in support for these Pakistanis who are fighting all of our battles for us is itself a vote saying that we are a nation and as a nation we stand together in times of need.

Some years ago I wrote a book titled “Portrait of a Giving Community” – it argued that we Pakistanis are a generous and giving people. The devastating Earthquake hit just as the book was being published and it demonstrated the point I was trying to make.

Today, it is time yet again to make the same point. Please do help us in doing so.

34 responses to “Pakistanis Support Displaced Pakistanis”

  1. Azra says:

    I am very greatful to ATP for doing this and for reminding all of us of the greatest priority, which is to help all Pakistanis in need.

    I would also say that you should continue collecting and not stop. Even if the tricke slows down as many people are also giving elsewhere, your system allows those of us who can only contribute a little and do not know where is best to have a safe and trustworthy channel.

    Like others, I have full faith in Adil Najam and Owais Mughal to do what is best for Pakistan always and am happy with whatever source they decide is best.

  2. Nostalgic says:

    I also donated to UNHCR this morning, they have a Pakistan page and payment by credit card was quick and easy… here is the link: ding.html

    But as Mustafa said, a Pakistani aid agency may be a better idea… the Edhi Foundation is a tried and tested one… unfortunately, Edhi Sb. has consistently refused to allow credit card payments, which some of his own staff can’t understand… UNHCR may be the way to go…

    I would urge Dr. Najam to stay away from charities associated with JI and other such less than savory entities… I was appalled yesterday when Ayaz Amir went as far as to give out the cellphone number of the JI’s charity front in his article… he made it a point to mention how he doesn’t like the JI, but he could easily have given out the Edhi Foundation’s number but chose not to… read it for yourselves:

    Disgusting, isn’t it? And to think that he had turned a page after being one of the few parliamentarians to speak out against the deal…

  3. Mustafa says:

    I like the UNHCR suggestion but isn

  4. Riaz Haq says:

    I think it is hard not to feel sad when you see people killed in the crossfire or be uprooted from their homes in large numbers, as is happening in the north west of the country.

    But I generally agree that Pakistanis must demonstrate their care and concern by donating and volunteering to help the refugees. The key for Pakistani military succeeding in defeating the Taliban is in how well Pakistani government can maintain public support for the military action.

    So far, Pakistani military’s robust response to the rising militancy appears to be backed by a significant majority of the people. If the Pakistani political leadership can deal with its fall-out, such as the refugee crisis, and sustain the popular support for the ongoing military action, and the government executes a rational set of economic policies, it is quite reasonable to expect things to start to get better within a year.

  5. Aisha PZ says:

    UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) is the primary U.N. organization on the ground who is the expert in dealing with refugee crises globally – they are vetted, visible and in action. You can go directly to their website and they have a specific donation page for this current Pakistan Crisis, where funds are going specifically for only this cause directly. Thanks.

    Direct Link to donate: ding.html

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