Children of Pakistani Floods

Posted on August 20, 2010
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Disasters, Environment, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 52345

Owais Mughal

The current flood disaster of Pakistan has been so great that all superlatives of language have already been used. Therefore I am choosing the photo medium here as it may be better than writing thousand more words. As with other natural disasters, flood affected children in Pakistan are especially vulnerable and need our attention.
Nowshera, Pakistan.

Sharing food in a flood relief camp.

Transporting flood affectees to the camps.

Following photo is from Chakra Goth which is a camp for flood affectees outside Karachi. It was published in today’s Jang newspaper.

In an earlier post here Adil Najam and our readers have mentioned several good ways of helping the flood victims of Pakistan. I want to add to the list – as they especially work for child welfare besides general humanitarian work.

17 responses to “Children of Pakistani Floods”

  1. naseem khan says:

    people of pakistan are brave and daring,they face every misfotune with patience,people share everyones grief and sorrow,congratulation to pakistanis who contributed towards recent flood relief fund and toward effecties, nothing is better than helping mankind in distress, keep helping those who need your help,help everyone everyday
    regards naseem ahmed khan karachi/pakistan

  2. We should contribute to provide some relief to these flood affected peoples because if we don’t care or don’t think for our Pakistani, we should never expect from others. It’s very important that we take responsibility to provide some aid with our possible activities. If we have nothing to contribute but we can promote others to help them.

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