A Thousand Words: Eid Mubarak, Pakistan

Posted on September 10, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, >Owais Mughal, Disasters, Environment, Society
Total Views: 51689

Adil Najam

This photograph was taken at a floods relief camp in Muzaffargarh, earlier today. A young flood victim, with mehndi (henna) on her hands, decorated by relief workers.

I see the picture and so many thoughts come to mind. Thoughts of happiness: that the child has at least gotten to get a smile with this little act of celebration. Thoughts of sadness: that so many children will spend Eid in despair. Thoughts of responsibility: how can I make this Eid better for at least one child? Thoughts of determination: it will not be easy, but we will ride this too.

But the pictures says it all. And more. There is no need for me to elaborate or explain these thoughts. Because these thoughts – like this child – belongs to all of us.

Eid Mubarak, Pakistan.

11 responses to “A Thousand Words: Eid Mubarak, Pakistan”

  1. Watan Aziz says:

    And on the matter of fairness.

    Does the blurred out picture show any hint of a smile?

    Does the blurred out picture show the young person (aged 6-8) with a shirt on?

    Is this a decent way to represent a weak person (a child, worse, presumably a girl) in the desperate times of their lives?

    Is this Pakistaniat?

    I ask?

    You be the judge!

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