HEC Scholars: Will They Return? And Stay?

Posted on August 9, 2008
Total Views: 84293

Dr. Athar Osama Over the last several years of the current government, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) has funded thousands of scholarships and fellowships for Pakistanis to do PhD and Post-Doctoral work both at home and abroad. One of the most important of these programs has been the Foreign PhD Fellowships Scheme that funds as […]

Gues Post By Athar Osama In October 1999, when General Musharraf came to power in a coup and declared himself the Chief Executive of the country, he was met by a silent nod of approval by his 150 million compatriots. Many of us thought, quite naively though, that he would fix what was wrong with […]

Pakistan of 2007: What Would Have Mr. Jinnah Wanted?

Posted on September 11, 2007
Total Views: 47551

Athar Osama I am taking on the challenge of writing this piece with great trepidition, but utmost sincerity, and would like to state upfront that I truely believe that all of us, Pakistanis, including myself, owe a mountain of debt and gratitude to Qauid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for giving us our freedoms in this country […]