Imran H. Khan The recent US mission to get Osama Bin Laden without the knowledge of Pakistan Air Force was a success because of PAF’s lack of investment in sensors that can detect low flying aircraft in undulating and hilly terrain. People are thinking hard about the political and military lessons in this, but they […]

Adil Najam It seems that the United Nations has declared Neem (Azadirachta indica) as “The Tree of the 21st Century.” I should confess that I have not been able to find an official reference to such a proclamation (especially since I was not aware that the UN would officially make such a pronouncement) but I […]

The Worlds First Computer Virus. Made in Lahore.

Posted on March 14, 2011
Total Views: 53482

Tamashbeen Should we be proud of what these guys did? Or ashamed of it?