I am Grateful…

Posted on January 17, 2010
Total Views: 38105

Tehseen Baweja Editorials, blogs, newspapers, coffee house discussions, no matter where you turn to, people are screaming about their version of what’s wrong with Pakistan. Yes! It is indeed a country with thousands of problems, it is indeed a mess right now, 99.9% of the things are going bad, but, why don’t I see anybody […]

daastan goi: Revival of an Art

Posted on December 18, 2008
Total Views: 72263

Tehseen Baweja It was a small living room with around 15 people crammed together, eagerly waiting for Danish to start. I had never listened to him perform but I was still overwhelmed with excitement, I just knew it would be something amazing. Even though he wasn’t in his usual attire of white kurta and topi […]