ATP Quiz: Guess What and Where!

Posted on February 19, 2010
Total Views: 63495

Ali Farhad Hameed (aka Darwaish) I have been away from ATP for almost a year and I thought it would a be good way to return by posting a quiz for readers. This structure somewhere in Pakistan, when existed, had a great deal of historical importance. All you have to do is guess what and where in Pakistan is this and its historical significance. As […]

News Digest: Pakistan at War

Posted on January 24, 2009
Total Views: 113319

Adil Najam Yesterday, the headlines screamed of yet more US drone attacks within Pakistan leaving 18 dead. Today, they bemoan 11 killed in Swat in continuing fighting between military and militants. Meanwhile, following on earlier reports of extremists banning women from entering cloth markets in Swat, now we hear of restraunts in Quetta banning the […]

Mohammed Hanif’s Ten Myths About Pakistan

Posted on January 11, 2009
Total Views: 79104

Adil Najam Mohammed Hanif, the brilliant author of the engrossing book “The Case of Exploding Mangoes” (I have been planning to write about it ever since I first read it many months ago; and I will) – known to many for his stint at Herald before he joined BBC’s Urdu Service – has just written […]