More than 100 dead…and Benazir Returns

Posted on October 18, 2007
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Politics, Society
Total Views: 46479

Owais Mughal

Lately no news coming out of Pakistan seem to be good news. This afternoon I started writing about Benazir’s return in lighter words focusing on hilarious statements coming out of our politicians on her return and then this horrific news of scores of people dead started coming in. My lighter mood vanished totally and now I am left wihout words and more questions like, Why? Who? what now? etc.

The headline news on CNN reads as follows right now:

An explosion near the motorcade of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto killed at least 110 people and injured 200 more, officials say. Bhutto, returning after years in exile, reportedly was unhurt.

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While we are glad that she remained safe, our sincere prayers are with those innocents who lost their lives.

zabt laazim hai magar dukh hai qayamat ka
zalim ab ke bhi na roay ga to mar jaaye ga

102 responses to “More than 100 dead…and Benazir Returns”

  1. Yawar says:

    In a way, she killed 140 people and injured around 550!

  2. zakoota says:

    Ch. Shujaat might be a dumb guy, but I fully back him on his verdict that Benazir and PPP have done this themselves to gain sympathy from people. BB is such a lair that you can’t trust her on anything.

    Ibrahim’s point is very valid, “if she had to come to Pakistan to save people, what was she doing outside for 8 years!

    Biggest liar, morally, physically and mentally corrupt Benazir is back in Pakistan. All anti-Pakistan forces must be celebrating.

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