US Confederate Flag in Pakistan

Posted on August 30, 2007
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Humor, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 108712

Owais Mughal

The Confederate Battle Flag (commonly called the Southern Cross) was first designed during the American Civil War (in 1861) by the Army of Northern Virginia. The 13 stars on the flag symbolize the original 11 US confederate states plus Kentucky and Missouri. 146 years later, the flag has found a new home. It is being used as decoration in a village fruit shop outside Islamabad. Wonder if the shopkeeper knows about the flag?

Photo is courtesy of Aurangzeb Khan

19 responses to “US Confederate Flag in Pakistan”

  1. quranedublog says:

    the shop keeper will be putting it any where because he does not know which country’s flag is this if he would have known he would have

  2. Quran Online says:

    Well am surprised why this shopkeeper do this.anyways all of above its a great article and increase my knowledge Confederate Battle Flag

  3. Quran Online says:

    Well am surprised why this shopkeeper do this.anyways all of above its a great article and increase my knowledge

  4. MAC says:

    Maybe he understands that the Confederate Battle Flag, with its Cross of St. Andrews, is known worldwide that it represents Independence!

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