Mr. Zardari Loses His Cool: The “Shut Up” Video

Posted on January 31, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Politics
Total Views: 95966

Adil Najam

This video of Mr. Asif Ali Zardari losing his cool during a speech and angrily shouting “Shut Up” to someone in the audience has been making the rounds.

If authentic, and it seems to be, the video is striking, but also sad, to see. There is not much that one can say by way of comment. Such behavior is embarrassing for any politician, but especially for the President of a country.

In fairness, I should add that I have not (yet) been able to find any information on the context of this: where was this, what did the person in the audience say (it was probably a pretty demeaning thing in itself), and – most importantly – what did Mr. Zardari say immediately after this.

I think the last of the above is especially important. It does disturb me that in all the versions of the video I found on the net the video ends abruptly after he utters the killer words: “Shut Up.”

I certainly hope that his immediate reaction was to stop, realize his mistake, and apologize. If he has not yet, he should.

43 responses to “Mr. Zardari Loses His Cool: The “Shut Up” Video”

  1. Amna Zaman says:

    This dude is crazy. But more like I would have to give him credit. He has been a target of selective justice. Anyways I would be more interested right now in the current extremism issue rather than just as individual telling another to SHUTUP!!

  2. Sajjad says:

    Well , thats going to be a seperate debate. I might comeup with too much stats. I understand that missing people case is severe. But there were good things too. With the current era, we dont have any improvement. Things are getting worst everyday. Musharaf’s time was bad for lower and lower middle class but atleast middle class was enjoying a cash flow. there were opportunities that helped people survive. Now please dont think about recession, I still could not figure out how recession applies to Pakistan. We can talk about it sometime when ATP starts a comparison poll.

  3. Nadeem Ahsan says:

    Can we see the rest of the video? Someone in the crowd was irritating him and so he had to react. Such outbursts are nothing new to world leaders.

  4. Zecchetti says:

    @ Sajjad,

    I think Musharraf is just as bad as PPP or MQM if not worse. Are you ignoring the cases of several thousand people that have gone missing during his tenure, particularly from the armed forces. Some were sold to America for a fistful of dollars e.g. Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

  5. shakeel says:

    @ Nihari

    Knowing the full background will not change the fact that a President should not behave like this. Trying to defend this behavior just because we do not what brought up this reaction is jahilat.

    BTW, I dont understand why this idiot of President is hell bent in using English? I mean, he cant connect three words from the English language .. (I am reminded of the UN Speech) That was embarassing and so is this.

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