Benazir Bhutto: What Would She Think of Pakistan Today?

Posted on December 27, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, People, Politics
Total Views: 72000

Adil Najam

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated three years ago today, December 27.

Two years ago on the first anniversary of her death we had carried a post asking “What If She Had Not Been Killed?” Of course, this is not the type of question that has a real answer. But as the discussion on the question showed there is value in thinking about such speculative notions nonetheless. This year, to mark her third anniversary, we wish to ask a slightly different question: “What would Benazir think of today’s Pakistan?” Of course, we realize that none of us can know or guess what she might actually think. But in thinking about it maybe we will come to grips with what we ourselves think and bring some clarity to those thoughts.

So, dear readers, do please let us know what you would think Benazir Bhutto might think about today’s Pakistan.

Two days ago as I was driving in Karachi on my way to the airport I was stuck by all the huge bill boards and posters that were everywhere in commemoration of this day. All had huge pictures of Benazir Bhutto, most also had pictures (sometimes not as large) of Zulfiqar Ali Bhuto, and many also had pictures of Asif Ali Zardari and Bilalwal Bhutto (plus of whoever had paid for the poster in the first place). I realized that Benazir Bhutto is now the principal and most beloved icon and symbol of her party. Maybe even more so than her father!

What, I wondered, would she make of that?

The world was in  utter shock at Benazir’s death. And many still are. The memories of the assassination are still fresh for many of us. And, yet, so much – so very much – has changed. This was even true two years ago, when I had written: “An elected government holds power. Benazir Bhutto’s arch-nemesis Gen. Pervez Musharraf is no longer President of Pakistan. Her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, is. We still do not know who was behind her death, but speculation remains rife. The economy remains in nosedive. An energy crisis is upon us. Drones pound us on the West. And Pakistan continues to lose both territory and citizens to the extremists who continue to wage a war within Pakistan and on Pakistan. Most of all, anger and angst still define the social disposition.”

Time line for the Bhutto family

What might have Benazir made of all of this had she been alive? What might she be thinking on this day? What are you thinking? How have things turned out that are different – or the same – if Benazir had actually survived the attack?

37 responses to “Benazir Bhutto: What Would She Think of Pakistan Today?”

  1. lidaliqa says:

    The only thing BB did for Pakistan is give us Zardari Bhutto.

  2. Hermoon Gill says:

    BB although was twice elected as the PM,that made no difference on the lives of ordinary Pakistanis.She was as far removed from the grim realities facing the Pakistanis as she ever could.

  3. Salahuddin says:

    May Allah have mercy on her soul. I believe, had she become prime minister the condition of Pakistan would’ve been the same. I mean, look at her party’s achievements so far. “Fish stinks from the head down.”
    PPP are only able to produce the results the party leadership really wants. Most of Pakistan’s leaders are not able or don’t want to change the conditions of Pakistan.
    I am not sure what Benazir Bhutto would think of her huge posters but I wonder how PPP, other political parties, Arms forces, and Bureaucracy of Pakistan forgot or ignored Quaid’s vision for Pakistan. I would say to PPP, please put your energy behind the need for Pakistan instead of worshiping dead with no vision.

  4. Daanish says:

    Adil,can we move on from from what a”dead person” was thinking about Pakistan to what “alive leaders” think about Pakistan !

    We just worship dead :)

    Lets Build Pakistan and Burry Deads……. and pray for them,ameen.

  5. ASMA says:

    One thing is clear. After her death she has become a huge political symbol. For her party in Pakistan and also for Pakistan internationally. In some ways it seems she has had more influence in death than she had alive.

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