Good News (for Pakistan) from New Zealand

Posted on January 9, 2011
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Sports
Total Views: 35581

Adil Najam

As I write these lines, Pakistan is on the verge of a massive victory against New Zealand in the first Test Match of the series. By the time you read these lines, Pakistan would probably have already won the game – if, for some reason they don’t, this would already have become a mega story in sports!

As I watch Pakistan going into its second innings, needing 19 runs to win, it feels good to have some good news to write about. This time, cricket seems to have delivered, at least a straw of consolation to hold on it – or, maybe, to distract the mind!

On the verge of wrapping up the Test in three days after some good batting as well as some great bowling in New Zealand’s second innings, the young Pakistan team has begun washing away some of its own demons. While sporadic brilliance in T20 and one-day versions of the game have flowed, Pakistan’s performance in Test matches has been less spectacular, with a few exceptions.

But more than even the victory what gives me most hope is the fact that in this game the team seems to have begun emerging as a team and that it was the younger newer players who have carried the day for Pakistan: that this is not the brilliance of one mega-star carrying the day but this victory is the result of the entire team coming up with a good, joint, team performance.

Of course, this is just one victory and the troubles that this team is in are deep and grave (as are the troubles that this nation is in). But, at least in this moment, this victory, the teamwork that went into it, and the emergence of a newer generation gives me the slightest glimmer of hope for the Pakistan team as it moves forward and tries to crawl out of its scandal laden mess. Hopeless idealist that I am, I cannot help but hope that maybe, just maybe, there is a lesson here for the rest of the nation too!

P.S. As I finish writing this post, Pakistan has just won the Test match by 10 wickets!

14 responses to “Good News (for Pakistan) from New Zealand”

  1. umar hussain says:

    Thanks good news of Pakistan cricket

  2. Kasim Mahmood says:

    Full credit to Misbah.

  3. ETF Investing says:

    This is a great victory for Pakistan, in New Zealand’s soil. From the very beginning, Pakistan was dominating. And at the last they had won.

  4. Azra says:

    This was a good victory and just what this team needed. Also what the country needed. We need more victories in all fields to lift the national spirit up again.

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