Evernew Studios, Lahore: A Narrated Visit

Posted on December 10, 2010
Total Views: 36226

Owais Mughal Raju Jamil recently visited the famous Evernew Studios in Lahore and made the following videos with narration in his own voice. I wanted to share these here because Evernew studios have played a pivotal role in Pakistan’s movie history. The informative and informal commentary that Raju Saheb has put together show his sincere […]

WikiLeaks: What Surprised You The Most?

Posted on December 9, 2010
Total Views: 46378

Adil Najam Let me start with my own ‘WikiLeak moment.’ I have been wanting to write about the whole WikiLeak saga and how we Pakistanis have been reacting to it. However, I have still not figured out what there is to say about it. I am clearly in a minority (maybe even a minority of […]

Owais Mughal According to the latest edition of the trivia book  Top 10 of Everything 2011 by Russell Ash, Pakistan has the 10th highest newspaper circulation in the world! We may not think of ourselves as newspaper reading people, but seems like newspapers do sell! There are several interesting records in the book, but the […]