Celebrate the Spirit of Sacrifice. Spare the Animals.

Posted on November 26, 2009
Total Views: 168828

temporal spare the poor goat or lamb or cows life. The purpose of sacrifice is to understand the spirit of parting with what you hold dear (your wealth), it is not some muqabla against four-legged animals. Please pause and think … That, after all, is what religion should make us do rather than blindly following […]

Reactive Pakistan: The Pangs of Ad-hocism

Posted on May 15, 2009
Total Views: 46998

temporal When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people. Chinese Proverb Pakistan was borne off an existential crisis. And purveyors of its short history tell us it has stumbled from one crisis to another. All individuals, and nations do deal with […]

temporal The writing is on the wall for Pervez Musharraf. The only thing undecided is if he will go on his own volition or will he be eased out. So the question now is, who will they agree to nominate as the next President of Pakistan? <a href=”http://www.bidvertiser.com”>internet advertising</a> Anyone remembers Justice Rafiq Tarar? The […]