ATP Photo-Quiz: Who is this? And where?

Posted on June 25, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Quiz, Foreign Relations, History, People, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 24208

Adil Najam

This installment of the ATP photo-quiz features someone decidedly pretier and nicer than the folks featured in the last one.

I am guessing this one is not too difficult either. Many woudl be able to reognize at least one of these ladies immediaetly. However, a liitle googling may be required to figure out the other. But more interestingly, do you know where they are, what they are doing, and when this was taken?

P.S. The first ATP photo-quiz went very well. Thank you all. Yes, it was Gen. Yahya Khan, then President of Pakistan visiting US President Richard Nixon in the White House. Thanks Suleman for identifying him, and HH for figuring out the date… 25 October, 1970 (how did you do that!). Things soon went on the downward slide for both men (Yahya and Nixon, not Suleman and HH!) soon after that.

11 responses to “ATP Photo-Quiz: Who is this? And where?”

  1. Aziz Akhmad says:

    I think the person in front of the camel in a cap and shirwani is Bashir, the camel driver, who became a celebrity in 1961 when Vice President Johnson, on a visit to Karachi, spotted him with his camel ( Bashir’s camel, not Johnson’s) and invited him to the US.

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