ATP Quiz: Lakeside Splendor

Posted on September 18, 2008
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Quiz, Travel
Total Views: 35031

Adil Najam

This picture is worth looking at for its photographic value alone. But can you guess where in Pakistan this was taken? (Photographer credits will be shared later).

29 responses to “ATP Quiz: Lakeside Splendor”

  1. Bazi says:

    woooow, great quiz and great pic. Unfortunately I have never been to Quetta so couldn’t say.

    On closer introspection, the hills are too close and too small to be margalla hills (for it to be the Rawal Lake) and also the visibility of the bank from where the photo is being taken makes the span between the two ends too small (as Adil Najam points out). But still the lights’ layout has amazing similarity to the ones on the Rawal lake. Im surprised (& humbled :) ).

    Btw are the lights, of a town, suburb or a tourist point, any idea?


  2. Owais Mughal says:

    I am indeed suprised :) Never thought it could be Hanna.

  3. Adil Najam says:

    By the way, the picture was taken by Sana Butt in 2006 and I found it on TrekEarth.

  4. Adil Najam says:

    Friends, my apologies for taking so long to post the answer. But, recent tragic events had kept one preoccupied and distraught… plus, it seemed that too many were still thinking about this ;-)

    The very first answer that was posted – HANNA LAKE – was, in fact, the correct one. And although a number of others guessed the same, there seemed to be variable conviction on just what place this was.

    The Hanna Lake, located just outside Quetta is, indeed, a spectacle to enjoy and even more so after the sun sets. I may be wrong, but I think people made more of the lights than they should have, because they are not actually that far away as they might seem.

    Quetta, as we have seen before in this quiz, has many wonders and can sometimes surprise even our most well-traveled readers.

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