Naseem Hameed: Fastest Woman in South Asia Comes Home to Karachi

Posted on February 11, 2010
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Sports, Women
Total Views: 36956

Owais Mughal

Karachi native Naseem Hameed won Gold medal in SAARC games in 100 meters sprint on Feb. 7 and returned home to Karachi to a great welcome today. This gives her the title of fastest lady in a region which includes some of the most populous countries of the word viz India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The result of the SAARC Games Women’s 100m sprint event was as follows:

1. Naseem Hameed (Pakistan) 11.81 sec
2. Pramila Priyadarshani (Sri Lanka) 11.93 sec
3. Achala Shalika Dias (Sri Lanka) 12.12 sec

She returned to Pakistan today with hundreds of fans greeting her at the airport. In the following photo Naseem Hameed is seen with her parents on her return to Pakistan.

Dawn reports her talking to press and saying:

“I had forgotten the world for six months and trained really very, very hard under my coach Maqsood Ahmed to achieve this. It is a great moment for me to have brought glory to the country in my event after the poor showing by our national cricket team and especially since our athletics standards have been poor of late. I hope my performance will inspire the young athletes to become professionals.”

I agree with her statement that this is one positive news for Pakistan in sports after the recent cricket debacle.

Photo Credits: Dawn and AP

33 responses to “Naseem Hameed: Fastest Woman in South Asia Comes Home to Karachi”

  1. Message to Pakistany parents. Now this is the time to supports all female kids not only males. Females can do better then males. You should not keep any difference between them. Let them go to schools/university or join any sports club where others will follow them.

    I must congratulate Sis Naseem you are a good example to the families who do not allow or support there creative kids to do something good for the country.

  2. Kashif Sayed says:

    I am very glad to hear that first time Pakistani Woman has enlighten the name of OUR BELOVED country in world of athletics. CONGRATULATION sis NASEEM.
    our cricket team must learn the lesson at least at ds time.
    MAY ALLAH gv them realization that still PAKISTANI ppl hv hope. AMEEN

  3. yoosuf bushry says:

    well done naseem. you have proved that we Muslims can perform much better then the others and I am proud of you my sister. pls take care..

    a brother from Rep of Maldives

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