Seraiki Musical Treats

Posted on March 5, 2010
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, >Roshan Malik, Music
Total Views: 45663

Roshan Malik with Owais Mughal

A few days ago I (Owais) requested Roshan Malik to recommend few Seraiki songs. And here they are with comments in his own words.

The first song is by the legendary Ustaad Jumman Khan singing the famous yaar dhadhi song on PTV’s meri pasend. Second song is part of a wonderful documentary that I found on BBC Urdu. It is about a group of blind guys in Dera Ismail Khan who sing Seraiki songs. Third song is by Suraiya Multanikar who is an awesome classical singer. Then there is one by a unknown singer. He has sung it very nice. Finally the last song is by Pathanay Khan singing a song written by the famous poet Ashoo Lal Faqeer.

(1) Ustad Muhammad Juman Khan live on PTV, Yaar dhadhi ishq aatish laai

(2) A Group of Blind Singers in D. I. Khan

(3) kiya haal sunawan dil da koi mehram raz by Surraya Multanikar

(4) An Unknown Singer – We’ll put the name here if our readers help in identifying the singer.

(5) Rohi TV – Assan Talab Saayeen De Naam Di Pathanay Khan

16 responses to “Seraiki Musical Treats”

  1. ZAFAR says:

    Dear Roshan

    Thank you for your detailed explanations.

    I am listening to these again and with much more appreciateion. Thank you for the effort.

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