More Good Ways to Help Flood Victims in Pakistan

Posted on August 18, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, About ATP, Disasters, Economy & Development, Environment, Society
Total Views: 83046

Adil Najam

Relief 4 PakistanDevelopment in Literacy - DILDoctors Without Borders

This post updates our earlier list of good ways to help flood victims in Pakistan.

The good news is that there are now many avenues through which support can be provided to them. We have listed and given links to just a few here but there are many many more. More importantly, the range of avenues and ways in whihc you can help has also expanded. These range from UN agencies (such as UNHCR or WFP) to international relief organizations (such as Doctors Without Borders or Save the Children) to Pakistani groups such as (Edhi Trust or Behbud) to more localized organizations (such as Karachi Relief Trust or SRSP) to knowledge efforts (such as PakRelief crowd-mapping) to expatriate Pakistani efforts (such as Human Development Foundation or Relief4Paksiatan) to individual efforts such as those TeethMaestro and OffRoad Club of Paksitan and, indeed, by thousands of families and individuals all over the country who are just rising to collect money and goods and get it to those in need.

Once again, we urge you to give. Give to who ever you think will do the best job. But give. No matter how much you give or to whom. Do please give. Because the need is great. I tried to make this case to American audiences in a recent NPR interview (listen to audio here), and the case to Pakistanis is the same, but even more urgent.

Mouj baRhay, ya aandhi aaye, diya jalaye rakhna hai
Ghar ki khatir sou dukh jhailain, ghar tou aakhir appna hai

On behalf of all of our readers, we have been sending donations from ATP to Edhi Foundation and we intend to keep adding to this whatever we can. We realize this is a small amount and insignificant in light of the challenges, but we mention it here (a) because it comes from our Ad revenues and therefore from you, and (b) because we wish to reinforce the point that everyone should do whatever little they can, because every little bit counts. Since the question has been repeated, let me repeat our response to those kind readers and past donors who have written asking that we should do a collection at ATP as be have done in the past (for cyclone victims, for earthquake victims, for IDPs, etc.). However, given how many other good avenues now exist we think it is better to just urge you to give wherever you can and whatever you can.

If you are sending goods in kind, please review our last post on the subject which has a good list of the things most needed. Also, please do remember that as the water recedes the needs will actually increase, not decrease. In particular the incidence of disease will rise and the need for hygiene as well as medicine will rise with it. So, please, do whatever you can. For all our sakes!

38 responses to “More Good Ways to Help Flood Victims in Pakistan”

  1. Nabeel Khan says:

    It would be good to keep this post updated by adding in other organizations and resources for donations.. and keep this as a sticky post somehow

    Here are a few websites that I found had legit local and international organizations working for them some of which are listed on this page

  2. Majid says:

    @Adnan, here is what your non-Secular Punjab government up to;

    Pakistan relief organisations ‘discriminating against Christian flood victims’ istan/7968046/Pakistan-relief-organisations-discri minating-against-Christian-flood-victims.html

    The same people who are raising aid for us in millions (British kafir public has raised $30 million so far and German kafir public $10 million in just one night) are making fun of us for discriminating on religious grounds even in distributing this free aid. What an incentive for them to help us. We want compassion from others but have none ourselves.

  3. Adnan says:

    As it’s always said that “phattu” liberals and their regime don’t have guts to help needy people,it got proved once again. While Zardari’s secular regime is more busy in sucking up all the aid and in mudslinging with their opposition parties,”Terrorists” and “Millitant” Organizations are busy in helping flood affected people in those areas as well where all NGOs refused to work. This is giving fits to USoA and their puppets here in Pakistan that these religious “terrorists” organizations will gain popularity in region thus it would hurt “American Interest” in the region.

    The point is, liberal govt and liberals should stop crying like chicks and come forward to help needy people. At one side they are more busy in babbling while on other hand their secular govt is not helping people. On top of that their leaders are more busy in saving their own lands and American bases in Pakistan. Now when there is a complete chaos and govt is failed to help flood victims, it is a lame to complain that “right wingers” are gaining control and would use victims as “suicide bombers”. While this babbling is quite baseless and useless, even if it becomes true then one should not point fingers on others while 3 others are just pointing at you. “Right Wingers” came forward because no one else came at the needy time. If liberals really want to earn respect then do more than those right wingers in the affected area. As an american said, it’s all about war of hearts and minds, once again those parties who were labaled as “Terrorists” are helping their people and on other hand, what our secular and liberal govt is doing? See below. No wonder that even a secular militant leader, Altaf Hussain lashed out on such brutal acts of govt and begged Army to take over.

    you can’t blame Mullahs and Talibans for what liberal idiots are doing out of Pakistan to embarrass him.

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