25+ Dead in Karachi; ANP Boycotts Election; MQM Threatens to Leave Coalition; Both Blame PPP

Posted on October 17, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Politics
Total Views: 44396

Adil Najam

Once again, Karachi is gripped in a wave of ethnic violence and ‘target killings.’ In a city still reeling from the dastardly attacks on the shrine of Sufi saint Abdullah Shah Ghazi, the daily grind of senseless by targeted violence has once again peaked in the context of the bye-elections for PS-94, some 28 Karachites already lie dead and all indications suggest that the human as well as the political toll will end up being much higher.

The details of what has been happening are developing fast, constantly changing, essentially horrid, and well known to all. But here are the essentials: the ‘normal’ (what a horrid term that is in this context) level of targeted killings in Karachi has been rising the last many days, especially in the run-up to the PS-94 bye-elections; yesterday ANP announced it would boycott that election; the violence has escalated even further with that news; and now with the elections having been decided in MQM’s favor, the MQM is threatening to leave the coalition and Governor Sindh is now in Islamabad ready to meet President Zardari sometimes tonight on this. As workers and supporters – invariably, the poorest and already most vulnerable of Karachi’s citizens – from both parties fall in what continues to be ‘played’ as an ethnic clash as much as a political one, the only thing that ANP and MQM can seem to agree on is that the PPP is to blame.

Blame is indeed the name of the game right now. Just turn on any TV channel and you will find everyone blaming everyone else. With carefully rehearsed passion. With immaculately crafted conviction. Our “siyasi adakaars” (as one channel calls them) are pulling off a topi-drama par excellence. Every emotion, every argument, every theatric, every literal twist, every legal antic, every logical acrobat is on display by our seasoned political spokesmen and partisan anchors – everything except even an iota of honest compassion and humanity for the Pakistanis who are doing the dying.

Politics may well be a ‘dirty game’, but it should never be this dirty. And it should never be this bloody. In this, the season of judicial enquiries and suo motoo adventurisms, one would love to see an honest inquiry into what has happened, why, and by whom? There is no reason that this should be difficult to do? The killings happen in the plain sight of everyone, sometimes even on camera. Yet, those who know – and everyone knows – know that nothing will happen. Whether the government stays or falls, whether this coalition lasts or not, this too shall pass. Until next time when we will mourn this waste of human life all over again.

The story is not new – see, for example, here and here – but that knowledge does not reduce the pain and exasperation of those who live in and love Karachi. As the city bleeds, so does the heart of all of Pakistan. This time, it seems the toll will also show on national politics. Nearly two years ago, I had written:

Everyone seems to know the script of the drama that is about to unfold, yet again, on the streets of Karachi. Except that the deaths will be real, not make-believe. Those who will be doing the killing have been arming up. Those who will be doing the instigation have already upped their rhetoric of hate, division and violence. Those who will be doing the dying, remain on knife’s edge, hoping that they will not be called upon to be sacrificed in the rituals of ethnic murder, so close to the Eid of sacrifice. The rest sit stunned in inaction as the politics of mayhem readies to raise its ugly head yet again. We see Pakistani kill Pakistani in the name of Pakistan. We sit afraid. Very afraid.

That ‘politics of mayhem’ has thrived in these two years. It has raised its ugly heads all too often. Indeed, it is now the norm. Once again, we sit afraid. Very afraid.

26 responses to “25+ Dead in Karachi; ANP Boycotts Election; MQM Threatens to Leave Coalition; Both Blame PPP”

  1. sidhas says:

    Glad you wrote about situation in Karachi. The fact of the matter is that many in Karachi knew and many relayed this message while I was visiting there that situation will turn ugly after Ramzan Eid.

    After the murder of Raza Haider of MQM, things have been tense and temperature has been rising.

    Ideally State should act to protect lives and property of its citizens. Pakistani State is weak, lacks infrastructure, financial means, and well trained and discipline personnel to enforce writ of the law.

    The other thing that you see in Karachi is ANP factor. ANP has now become a power contender with enough manpower and firepower to challenge MQM. By the way, ANP is also using the same tactics MQM used which is why the two parties are bound to collide despite their secular approach.

    What are all these parties after. Karachi is city of 2 million and a wealthy city. Anyone who can win and maintain power here is bound to benefit.

    Behind all the conflicts, groups are competing for financial and political resources.

    ( example this year fitra was 80 ruppees multiply it by 2 million and you have 160 million ruppees ). Just by tranacting what is considered as legal, these parties can raise millions.

    Since State is unable to do anything, Political Parties must understand that by fighting one another they are bound to loose ( sadaqa, khairat, fitra, zakat ) etc.

  2. Azra says:

    That picture you have up there, saying “Pathan-Mohajir Bhai Bhai” is itself very haunting. Even those words are written in red, as if with blood.

  3. Yasmeen says:

    How true your words are:
    “Yet, those who know – and everyone knows – know that nothing will happen. Whether the government stays or falls, whether this coalition lasts or not, this too shall pass. Until next time when we will mourn this waste of human life all over again.”

  4. Taimur says:

    I think these vultures – MQM as well as Nawaz Sharif – are smelling a dying govt of PPP and now are beginning to circle the dying body.

  5. ASAD says:

    PM Gillani had a chance to be bold and save the situation with his speech today. he again blew the chance. Too bad.

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