Picture of the Day: Confrontation

Posted on November 20, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Society
Total Views: 29137

Adil Najam

Looking at this picture just makes my blood boil (click on picture for a larger view). I do not know the details of the situation, nor who did what or said what or who is at fault or what fault. But the body language and attitude depicted here just has me reeling.

What is being said and how did this end? I would love to find out, but I suspect I know already. Does anyone want to reconstruct how this conversation and confrontation might have gone?

Regular readers know of my fascination with cops, but it seems I am not the only one. Asma who blogs at Metroblog Islamabad as ‘A for Apple’ posted this photograph as part of a bunch of police related photographs from her collection. The picture was reprinted at Online News, is by Ehsan Khan and the original caption is suggestive (although one wonders about the authenticity of the details provided):

A boy speaks [sic] makes a point with a model policeman of Islamabad Traffic Police after violating the traffic rules near Parliament House. The boy eventually made his point with the policeman and was not issued any ticket.

33 responses to “Picture of the Day: Confrontation”

  1. Watan Aziz says:

    Looking at this picture just makes my blood boil (click on picture for a larger view). I do not know the details of the situation, nor who did what or said what or who is at fault or what fault. But the body language and attitude depicted here just has me reeling.


    But manged to stay quite for CJP being slapped around like a common criminal? His wife manhandled?

    The problem with Pakistan is that the “gitter-mitter” crowd has selective contempt for things.

    People only speak up with it is against their guy or recently, the gal.

    And then there are good people who “compromise” their objectivity on the altar of closeness to power and the pomp.

    Speak up is hard work. Speaking up for those whom you do not like is even harder.

    When Pakistanis will learn how to speak up for a wrong, even if not for one of your own, then all will be well.

    Pakistanis are good people.

  2. wow gold says:

    That boy will be ok since he is apparently not poor. Police only brush poor people, look at the following

  3. Franz says:

    You’ll forgive me if on account of growing up in the states instead of s.asia, i have a different perspective.

    Where people do as they wish with little impunity, the environment is ripe for abuse of power. In s.asia, that may be wealthy kids. In the U.S., the police force tends to be a profession that attracts simple-minded thugs. This is the converse of your s.asian situation.

    I’ve seen this abuse repeatedly, all over boston, especially while i was an undergrad, but here is a particularly gross case: Mostafa Tabatabainejad, UCLA student, repeatedly tasered in UCLA’s Powell library (which i’ve studied at) while other students protest in fear and disgust. His crime? He failed to produce his BruinCard upon random check, and told a cop who had grabbed onto him as he exited to let go of him..


    Student cell-phone video of the event:

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