Picture of the Day: WARNING!

Posted on March 1, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, About ATP, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 30498

Adil Najam

This very entertaining photograph is of a warning sign posted in the basement of the Summit Minar in Lahore.

Shararti logouN kay leeaye saza ka maaqool intizaam hai.
(Appropriate punishment arrangements are available for the mischevous.)

I wonder what the “saza ka maqool intizaam” actually entails.

A part of me wishes we could institute a similar sign and system for all our ATP friends who regularly and repeatedly ignore this blogs’ comment policies. Maybe we will!

I must confess, their childish antics do sometimes get to me. The blatant disregard for stated policies and the obvious disrespect for others bugs me. But what really bothers me is how much time and energy it saps from those of us who run this site and from the readership. Cleaning up the mess after these displays of shooda baazi, leaves us exhausted. But then, as one reader recently wrote to me, “the urge to act smart and ‘beat the system’ may itself be a component of Pakistaniat.”

Note: I found the photograph at Flickr via MicroPakistan; photo and translation credit to mafimushkala.

22 responses to “Picture of the Day: WARNING!”

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  2. Ayaz K. says:

    How come all of these Pakistani signs look so old, written in ugly colors, typos and grammatic mistakes (for example: We apologize”d” for the inconvenience – sign posted earlier) are a common place. Even the Calligraphic work is not so impressive — why is that?

    How come the most basic things portray clearly that we are so “Third World”? — isn’t it pathetic?

    How much effort and funds needed to install (it has to be installed otherwise someone would make a living out of it) the Trash Bins on the streets and in busy public places. The word “Awareness” is so common now — so be aware and try to aim the empty bottle of juice directly into the Trash Bin…or walk up and go for a Slam Dunk—- just don’t litter around.

    Why do people firmly believe in the “Sub chalta hai yahan per” principle or attitude and it is strong enough to even convince those who are visiting the country; seem a little reluctant but eventually start tossing the wrapper and littering like any other Pakistani.

    When people speak Urdu or even English, they don’t sound educated even if you have earned a Degree from some recognized Institution — the style is so Bourgeois.

    I guess it has also to do with “Sub chalta hai…”

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