“Is This Why We Made This Pakistan?”

Posted on September 26, 2007
Filed Under >Darwaish, Economy & Development, Law & Justice, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 48065


Back in January 2007, I wrote about beggars on the streets of Lahore, Karachi and the growing indifference in our society towards these extremely poor and forgotten people. Hundreds of organized gangs are operating in almost every big city of Pakistan who amputate the organs of little kids, old and young people and then leave them on streets to make good money for them. But what about the unfortunate beggars themselves?

We see them every day at traffic signals and footpaths from our car windows and most of the times just throw a coin at them and try to ignore them as they don’t exist. This level of indifference in our society is sad. May be we were put on this side of the car window for a reason, to be able to help those on the other side.

Our courts are too busy solving the legal and constitutional issues, the law enforcement agencies are occupied keeping an eye on politicians or arresting and deporting them, and all of us are too busy debating all this … but, for whom? Maybe it is those who are debating the ‘big picture’ who are really missing the big picture that can only be seen in the small pictures.

The photograph above by Jawad Zakariya, once again reminded me of the miserable life of these unwanted people in our country. Society rejects them and police harshly beats them on daily basis, adding to their misery.

Jawad writes with this photograph on flickr and I can totally relate to him as many times I must have done the same:

As I was taking photos in and around Data Darbar. This old man asked me to come over.
“Will you print these photos in the newspaper?”, he asked. Before I could explain that I wasn’t affiliated with any paper, he continued. Tell them how the police brutally beat us up all the time….and he showed me the injuries on his arms and legs.
“Why do they do that?”, I asked.
“Because we sit here begging. This is Data Darbar ! where else can I go.”
… and he started crying … print this in the paper maybe then they’ll stop … then he thought for a moment …
maybe if you print it they’ll get more angry….
another pause …
print it, maybe some higher up will see it and make them stop.

“They hit old crippled men”…..”shameless animals”….”Is this why we made this Pakistan”…..”Is this Why ???”………..he kept asking as he wept.

I had no answer … I got back into my Civic … turned on the AC … and started driving away.

“Is this why we made this Pakistan?” I have asked myself this questions many times and never found an answer. Can you think of an answer?

53 responses to ““Is This Why We Made This Pakistan?””

  1. Adam Khan says:

    Every society has to be judged upon how it treats the weakest citizens amongst its “population”.

    As a pakistani-born, raised up by pakistani parents, brought up amongst/amidst/pakistani

  2. MQ says:

    [quote] “Theory suggests that if the rich prosper then eventually the poor will too … We need quick macro growth and that will trickle down” [unquote]

    Here is what John Galbraith, the famous Berkeley economist, once said on trickle down economy: “if one feeds the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows…”

  3. Classof71 says:

    WE Hold These Truths To Be….

    self-evident that

    1. The Beggar mafias and syndicates descends upon Karachi and other cities near Eid (so please stop blaming Pervez Musharraf because it unfortunately happens every Ramadan does it not because that is the time Muslims distribute zakat?)

    2. That yes, there is real poverty in Pakistan which is not discussed by this article and which cannot be alleviated by Reaganite supply-side economics and claims of “Pakistan-shining” by Pervez Musharraf’s party —just wait until Americans have got what they want because then they will treat enlightened Pakistanis just like they treated their enlightened Ba’athist allies.

    3. That yes, Pakistan is only partly shining because Pervez Musharraf is not corrupt unlike Benazir and Nawaz than in the “democratic” ’90’s but the problems have now unfortuantely multiplied and will not resolve unless institutions are strengthened and individuals weakened.

  4. jaded says:

    If two things can be removed from the mindset of pakistani’s then probably they can make some progress …first one is to stop comparing themselves with India as there is no comparison between the two as the size,mindset of people ,economies and culture of two countries are very different from each other and secondly if anyone has been to india you will notice that people do not invoke god’s name in everything they do rather they take responsibility for their actions unlike in pakistan so if people have doubts as to why pakistan was created they should do some soul search and they will get the answer.

  5. Naseer says:

    Last week geo TV hosted all the top scorers in Inter exams from all over pakistan.
    A question was asked by the host in the end and replies of all of these top elite of education institution should serve as an eye opener for all the politicians.

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