ATP Poll: What is Pakistan’s Biggest Threat?

Posted on March 22, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Economy & Development, Education, Environment, Foreign Relations, Law & Justice, Politics, Religion, Society
Total Views: 53826

Adil Najam

Pakistan Day is a day of celebration. But it is also a day of reflection on what we have been through and what lies ahead of us.

In this, the second in our series of special posts to mark Pakistan Day 2009, we want to focus on what lies ahead in terms of the biggest threats to Pakistan’s future. In the next post in this series we intend to focus more on the opportunities.

It is an understatement to say that Pakistan is floating through an especially precarious time in its precarious history. Indeed, Pakistan is passing through a defining time.

There is no dearth of threats facing Pakistan. But in this special ATP Poll for Pakistan Day we would like you to think ahead and respond to the question: “What, in your opinion, is the single biggest and most important threat facing Pakistan?” THIS POLL IS NOW CLOSED.

Our ATP Poll gives you eight major options to choose from. If you think there are others that are even bigger, do let us know. Also, please comment on which of these is the most important one for you, and why? If, by any chance, you have suggestions on what to do about these threats do please share your views. That, after all, is the most important question of them all. THIS POLL IS NOW CLOSED.

33 responses to “ATP Poll: What is Pakistan’s Biggest Threat?”

  1. Aamir Ali says:


    India is been hostile to Pakistan since its inception. It has invaded Pakistani territory and sponsored terrorism and insurgency in Pakistan. That is what “commoner” is alluding to.

    However with the introduction of nukes and delivery systems in the subcontinent, the threat of war has receded. Pakistan’s problems today stem from internal insurgency in its northwest.

  2. sun_screamer_divisonq says:

    @ Commoner

    A few comments:

    “I think the single biggest long-term existential threat to the nation-state of Pakistan emanates from India.”

    I am a bit confused by this statement. You claim that India is an existential threat today and in the future to Pakistan but all your examples are from 40-60 years ago.

    “Independent United Pakistan

  3. Usman says:


    There is a difference between a problem and a symptom.

    All I have said is that many ‘problems’ cited in the poll are not actually problems, but rather symptoms from ‘Economic and Resource Challenges/Problems’.

    I am no Taliban sympathizer. I abhor them with a vengeance.

  4. shahzad shameem says:

    Everyone is right in his/her capacity of understanding but the main root cause is the sleeping of our Zameer/inner soul which is nearly to dead/murdar. I tell you once that awaken we will solve our problems automatically.

    When that one is awakened, we will have a JAZBA:-
    to help others,
    to sacrifice for others,
    to have selfrespect for others,
    to complete our duties just like Faraize,
    to do our jobs like worship of Allah the Great,
    to have sympathy for others, while forgiving others,
    will having thinking to understand the problems of others,
    will be respecting labour, cobblers, barbers like Dr., Engrs,
    will be giveing respect according to the their CHARACTERs,
    will come haya/sharm in our eyes and respect for ladies,
    and many many other unseen benefit we will get you cann’t even imagine, like barakat/barka/blessing of Allah will come as mun-o-salwa.

    Whatever Education system is going on, just kindly we add with open heart and noble intention the Tashree of Allama Iqbal poetry, I tell you the whole Nation will be united as in 1940 and will progress to achieve goals for the Pakistan was created.

    Don’t forget we are the most blessed 2nd Nation and Country on Earth which came to existance in the name of Allah, first was Yasrab (Madina Shareef) and the second was Pakistan on Earth.

    We have to boost up the moral of the Nation, have to bring forward our successive part while eliminating our faults.

    IF we get success in awaking of Khuddi/inner soul, then our every child will be Eedhi for Nation and atomic bomb for enemies.

  5. zach chugtei says:

    Pakistanis should keep their faith in the ‘original idea’ of the very creation of this nation and eventually it will all work out. All nations have gone through periods of uncertainty and termoil and the great ones have survived it all.

    Pakistan is an unbreakable unit of people with a lot of talent, a great cultural heritage, a desire to educate her next generation and it can handle all challenges it is facing presently.

    With today’s web based world of science and technology, it is anybody’s game to make whatever one wants to make of it’s people and, Pakistan is fortunate to have the people and land resources enough to be a major player for years to come.

    It is an easily believable situation and so doable, just keep the faith.


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