Enemies of Pakistan Strike Again. 49 Pakistanis Die.

Posted on October 9, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, >Owais Mughal, Disasters, Law & Justice
Total Views: 39306

Owais Mughal and Adil Najam

(Readers Beware: This post includes gruesome pictures of murdered Pakistanis, the weak of nerves are warned).

When will this madness stop?

Look at the photo below and tell us your blood does not boil at this murder of Pakistanis. If you are a parent, like we are, you too will scream out in pain. Even if you are not, you cannot be human without seeing this and crying out in pain. Maybe, even in anger.

Forty-nine more Pakistanis died today at the hands of Pakistan’s enemies. And 100 more were injured. All this in an explosion in Peshawar’s busy Soekarno chowk today.

When will this madness stop?

What can one write? What can one say? How do you type out a scream? How do you express that piercing pain in the gut of your stomach, in the depth of your heart?

When will this madness stop?

34 responses to “Enemies of Pakistan Strike Again. 49 Pakistanis Die.”

  1. Istherenohope says:

    When will this stop? Stop blaming the west stop blaming anyone else for this mess. Stop the blame…………..STOP IT FOREVER and take responsibility. For GOD SAKE, For the sake of anything you believe in, for your children’s sake stand up and kill these bastards.Go raid the madrassas, take your children out of there and kill these mullahs with the guns and bombs they have gathered for you. It baffles my mind to see and think how can many cities and villages in Pakistan can still be safe heavens and homes for these people. I cant imagine how people can go burn Christian homes because they burned quran supposedly and no one wants to kill these bastards who kill your kids and your people every day in thousands. Why sectarianism can claim lives of thousands of shias and not one mullah gets killed not one madrassa gets toppled even after these jihadis take responsibility for every bomb and every death on your streets. Where has the humanity gone, why is there so much anger about sect and religion and quran burning and no anger over this. Why do people still find justifications for these animals in form of they have been oppressed by west and they are american agents and blah blah blah. Why is a justification or logic necessary, why do you need to understand why they are doing it. Will an answer to this question stop it???? no b/c there is no end to a madness that has no base. For God sake do not make Pakistan another version of religiously run oppressed nation. We dont want to be Iran or saudi arab…… they are religious fanatics, not ways to God. When will people remember mullahs never wanted Pakistan, and yet once it was made they found it was so easy to make uneducated, poor masses of this nation believe in the fact that Pakistan was made to be an islamic state, no IT WAS NOT. People who didnt want it then became the hunters for prey to fulfill their ideology of twisted religion. The day they set foot here and the day people started looking up to them for answers we started digging our own grave. So yes you have foreign hand but thats not what started this mess. This mess started in 1947 when mullahs took Pakistan hostage by claiming the rights to it b/c it was “MUSLIM” state. IS this the ISLAM you want? So next time when you try to kill another Paksitani b/c he is a christain or shia or jew or whatever please remember to count the number of jihadis, mullahs and madrassas you have destroyed b/c if that number is even 1 less than the number of your own fellow citizens you have killed or are about to kill….may be you dont really understand what the religion of peace and tolerance had stood for. I dont live there anymore, i cant imagine having my children in deaths hands every day, i cant imagine not being able to go out and not know if i will come back home but you know how does it feel like so why are you letting these animals live in your cities and communities. Blame anyone you want but start cleaning house before anything else…..PLEASE………………please dont let another single child go to these madrassas……….PLEASE STOP THE TERROR NOW!!!!!

  2. Nouman Zeb says:

    For God sake, what are we doing, killing our own people with our own hands. My heart cries to see where our country is standing at the moment. we all need to get united to stop terrorism and throw it away from our country. District Swabi

  3. Wasif says:

    We must take a deep breath and look inward as we always tend to blame others for the deep scars within our society.we must stop blaming even our own Govt and its institutions though they lack the capacity and depth to comprehend and control the situation But with the active public support and collective will of the naton.Dont get panicked We are with You,this should be our messege to the Govt authorities. Pakistan Zindabad!

  4. rainbow22 says:

    Why these fake taliban(tarihe taliban) never attack any americans when they are here and buying our political partys? They got to be friends with USA. Blackwater game has began. No to slavebill(kerry) and no to USA. More chechpost out side every city will help against terrorism sponsered by RAW and CIA.

  5. Aamir Ali says:

    @MT the Indian
    Please take your gloating elsewhere. Your country has been involved in supporting violent anti-Pakistan groups for a long time.

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